The Palazzo Grimani; photograph by Andrea Santuari
The historic Palazzo Grimani is located in the Castello area of Venice, adjacent to the renowned Campo Santa Maria Formosa. Dating to the 16th century, the magnificent Palazzo Grimani is known for its original architecture and exquisite ornamentation, including traditional stuccowork, stunning frescoes and soaring coffered ceilings.
Palazzo Grimani was purchased by the state in 1981 and in 2001 a decree of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage gave responsibility for its management to the Ventian state museum authority, Soprintendenza speciale per il patrimonio storico, artistico ed etnoantropologico e per il polo museale della città di Venezia e dei comuni della Gronda lagunare. The palazzo was reopened in 2008, after undergoing a remarkable decades-long restoration, and is now a valuable part of the Venitian museum circuit. The Palazzo Grimani is unique in Venetian history and architecture, with a wealth of cultural riches, including stuccowork and frescoes by Mannerist artists Giovanni da Udine, Francesco Salviati, Camillo Mantovano, Francesco Menzocchi and Federico Zuccari.
The Soprintendenza has graciously granted us permission to use this extraordinary space to mount Frontiers Reimagined. We are grateful for the use of the second floor of Museo di Palazzo Grimani in its entirety. This is the first time the second-floor space has been opened to the public since the museum’s restoration.
For more information visit www.palazzogrimani.org